
Optimizes logistics and production flows

Silwa® is the proprietary, integrated software solution that transforms warehouse and production logistics into your competitive advantage.


Innovation is our drive

Automation, virtual reality, location-based and assisted driving systems - our innovative approach puts a premium on warehousing and production


At your side to win markets' challenges

Constant presence, high technical skills, deep knowledge of the market and sense of responsibility: this is Stesi

Since more than 25 years, we’ve been helping companies turn supply chain complexity into a competitive advantage. Thanks to our proprietary platform, we develop solutions that optimize warehouse and production logistics flows, reduce time and costs and facilitate the competitive growth of the company.

Silwa® accelerates and simplifies all warehouse and production logistics flows, from acceptance to shipment of goods. The result is a system that is safe, efficient, sustainable and open to innovative technologies.

Applicative Modules

Silwa® is a scalable and flexible solution. Modularity allows us to customize the solution to the specific needs of businesses.

Study cases

We turn needs into results. We work with the goal of making your logistics and production flows a real value of your business.


Partnership SmartControl e Stesi

Da oltre 25 anni, il team Stesi entra in aziende di settori e dimensioni differenti con l’obiettivo di supportarle ed aiutarle a trasformare la…


Automated Guided Vehicle: cosa sono e quando usarli

Da ormai diversi anni, le attività logistiche e di magazzino hanno registrato un incredibile aumento della complessità. D’altronde, per soddisfare le necessità e i…


Carrelli trilaterali per la gestione del magazzino

All’interno della quotidianità e dell’operatività del magazzino i carrelli trilaterali, altrimenti detti muletti trilaterali, sono un elemento chiave. Si tratta infatti di macchine funzionali…