CEO & HR MANAGER [stesi] / CEO Humason

Enzo Cancian is CEO and HR Manager at Stesi, as well as Co-Founder & CEO at Humason. He has worked at Stesi Srl’s side since 2009.


Business Valuation; Complex Investments and Operations; Project Management; Customer Service


Postgraduate CFO Master’s Degree Level II in Business Valuation – Investments and Complex Operations – Controller at University of Udine 2020


Administrative Officer 2009-2016 → CFO (Chief Financial Officer) 2017-2021 → Co-Fonder CEO (Chief Executive Officer) at Stesi Srl 2022-today
Co-Founder and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) at Humason 2022-today
Real estate investor at Anthea 1998-2009
Logistics Development Manager at Sinetica 1995-1998
Freelance transportation as a contractor 1992-1995

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